Terms & Conditions

Last updated: 2024-10-16

Malaikah Transport Services Ltd is referred to as “Malaikah” herein.


1.1 All persons entering a Malaikah vehicle and/or property owned by Malaikah or under its control do so entirely AT THEIR OWN RISK.

1.2 Malaikah is not liable for any loss or damages (including consequential, special damages, or loss of profits), loss of life, bodily injury or damage to or loss of property of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused, and whether or not caused by Malaikah, its directors, its officers, servants, agents or any other person acting on behalf of or under the control of Malaikah arising out of or connected in any way with the transportation or non-transportation by Malaikah of any passenger or persons and/or their property.


2.1 This ticket is proof of the agreement for transport between Malaikah, the purchaser of the ticket and the passenger (the Parties). These terms and conditions apply to the issue of such ticket/s and together constitute the entire agreement between the Parties.

2.2 A ticket is valid for use only by the passenger to whom it is issued to and for the route, date and time shown thereon. The passenger will be required to produce their unique ticket reference number and appropriate identification to board the bus and check in.

2.3 It is the PASSENGERS’ RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that they provide correct information showing on the ticket. Any alteration to a ticket may render it invalid.

2.4 Tickets once purchased are non-transferrable.

2.5 Lost purchased tickets are non-refundable.

2.6 Only tickets purchased from Malaikah, or its appointed agents will be valid and acceptable. Any ticket/s obtained from any other source other than an appointed agency will be void and the bearer of such ticket/s shall have no claim whatsoever against Malaikah, its directors, its staff, its representatives, or any other person acting on behalf of or under the instruction of Malaikah, for any damages whatsoever.


A ticket purchased from Malaikah may be cancelled subject to the following:

3.1 More than 24 hours before departure, a refund or re-schedule is permitted, and an 25% admin fee applies.

3.2 At or less than 24 hours before departure, only a re-schedule is permitted and a refund is not permitted, a 25% admin fee applies.

3.3 Cancellations on the date of departure between 3 hours and 1 hour before departure are not permitted, only a re-schedule is allowed, and an 25% admin fee applies.

3.4 No refund or rescheduling will be permitted within 1 hour of the scheduled departure.

3.5 With any re-scheduling, any increase in fare at the time of the re-booking being actioned will also be for the account of the Passenger. No Refunds are permitted on the date of departure or thereafter. Any change to a ticket requires a new ticket to be issued by Malaikah and it does not guarantee the availability of a similar ticket class, fare, discount, seat, or reserved seating.

3.6 Malaikah will not be bound by VERBAL QUOTATIONS. Quotes are valid ONLY at the time the quotation is provided in writing that is to say email, SMS, whatsapp messages unless expressly indicated otherwise.


4.1 Passengers are requested to be at the applicable terminal or pick-up point 30 MINUTES before departure. Should a passenger be late for the scheduled departure time, a new ticket will have to be purchased.

4.2 Excess luggage must be checked-in a day before travelling, additional luggage will attract additional charges. Additional luggage is loaded on the bus on first come first serve basis based on space availability. Refer to our luggage charge sheet for excess luggage charges by visiting our offices or by calling +260 76 061 3138.

4.3 Reservations / booked seats that are not filled/occupied 5 MINUTES before departure will be offered to stand-by passengers on a first come first serve basis.

4.4 Whilst Malaikah will make all reasonable efforts to keep to its scheduled timetables, Malaikah and its sub-contractors DOES NOT guarantee any arrival or departure times, and it does NOT accept any liability for any loss including consequential loss or damage incurred by any passenger, or inconvenience experienced by any person, due to a delay or cancellation of any service for whatsoever reason.

4.5 Malaikah reserve the right to cancel any of its services for any reason WITHOUT prior notice. Malaikah is NOT liable for any loss, consequential or otherwise, or damage incurred by passengers because of such cancellation.


5.1 NO REFUNDS will be paid in the event of a breakdown or a delay in service availability.

5.2 In the event of a breakdown or delay Malaikah WILL NOT be held liable for connecting services, scheduled meetings, free refreshments, accommodation or any form of transportation or compensation.

5.3 Services may be cancelled due to adverse operational conditions including but not limited to force majeure, man-made impediments including strike action or mass looting, protest, or government policies etc.

5.4 NO REFUNDS will be issued if a service is cancelled due to weather or any adverse conditions that are beyond Malaikah’s control.

5.5 All passengers will be rebooked for an alternative date and time as per the passenger’s request.

5.6 Malaikah reserve the right to shuttle passengers between stops.


6.1 Malaikah reserves the right to refuse to undertake the conveyance of any passenger/s found to be intoxicated, using drugs, or smoking on board. Any passenger may be denied boarding should they be deemed as intoxicated or inebriated.

6.2 Any person found in breach of Malaikah’s terms and conditions regarding the consumption of alcohol, use of drugs or smoking will be DISEMBARKED immediately at the NEXT SAFE AREA and no compensation, refund or rescheduling of service requests will be entertained. In addition, should the need arise, legal action may be initiated against the perpetrator that is found in breach of this or any other specified terms and conditions of carriage.


7.1 Only a trained guide dog that is certified to provide the required service to its owner may be permitted on board within specific guidelines and at Malaikah’s discretion. A certificate may be requested for the guide dog.

7.2 With the exception of 7.1 above, NO PETS or animals will be allowed on any Malaikah coach or shuttle bus.


8.1 No unaccompanied children UNDER the age of 12 years will be transported. Malaikah reserves the right to refuse the transport of any minor child or person and shall not be held liable for its refusal; Malaikah is further indemnified against any apparent loss, consequential loss, or damages of whatever nature as a result of such a refusal. Malaikah reserves the right to inform relevant law enforcement agencies of un-accompanied children.

8.2 Children aged LESS THAN 36 months will be transported for free, PROVIDED that they sit on the Parent/Guardian’s lap. Children 36 months and older will pay the ADULT FARE. Proof of the child’s age is required at the time of purchasing the ticket and boarding the bus. In the event that there is MORE THAN ONE child under 36 months, only one child will be entitled to travel on the Parent /Guardian’s lap without paying.

8.3 Malaikah reserve the right to refuse to transport sick passengers and pregnant women visibly in their advanced stages of pregnancy (generally 7 months and over). Permission to travel will be at the SOLE DISCRETION of the company’s representative/s that is duly entitled to make such a determination (the boarding master and/or supervisor or company representative on duty will make this determination).

8.4 Passengers that have a medical condition including a chronic condition must consult their medical practitioner prior to travel. Passengers with any special needs are required to inform the Malaikah reservations, agent, or consultant, when making the reservation and inform the Malaikah representative on the day of departure of their specific condition prior to traveling with Malaikah.

8.5 Passengers with disabilities or in a wheelchair are advised to inform the reservations agent or consultant of their condition prior to booking a ticket.

8.6 The wearing of seat belts is compulsory at all times. Adults are to ensure that their children are secured at all times whilst traveling with Malaikah. Malaikah will not be held liable for any injury, disability, or death as a result of any passengers’ negligence prior to, during, or at the end of a journey.


9.1 A 1 x pieces (45cm X 25cm X 30cm) of carry-on baggage not exceeding 7kg, and 1 x piece (55cm X 25cm X 40cm) of stored baggage not exceeding 15kg, will be permitted per ticket holder. Excess baggage/luggage fees will be charged for baggage/luggage in excess of this provision at the time of reservation or boarding/check-in. Passengers with excess luggage/baggage are advised to come a day before the travel date, to avoid any inconvenience.

9.2 On selected services, Malaikah may accept the transporting of boxes, bags and any other commercial goods classified as excess baggage and within a specified dimension per piece. Malaikah reserves the right to accept any of the above-mentioned items and will charge a fee for them according to size and weight in excess of the stipulated baggage allowance. Kindly refer to the charge sheet at our office or call +260 76 061 3138 for more information.

9.3 Unaccompanied luggage will not be accepted for transportation.

9.4 Malaikah will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged baggage/luggage or any loss of personal items or valuables.

9.5 In the event that the company agrees on compensation for lost baggage during a journey, the company may pay out a minimum of K5 per kg up to a maximum of 25kg.

9.6 It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that their bags are tagged and identifiable easily and correctly.

9.7 Baggage/luggage must not include fragile, valuable, or perishable items in Checked Baggage. These also include artwork, money, debit/credit cards, jewellery, computers/laptops, personal electronic devices, cellular telephones, photographic equipment, medical equipment, audio and video equipment including, but not limited to, televisions, radios, iPods, GPS equipment, stereo equipment, VCR players, specialized equipment, crockery, valuable business documents, passports and other identification documents, any keys, dangerous goods, as well as flammable liquid transported in any container.

9.8 There will be a charge for all items/weight over the permitted baggage allowance. Malaikah will not refund tickets should the excess baggage not be able to be accommodated onboard.


10.1 Malaikah does not offer general insurance coverage for its passengers, their property, or their luggage. It is the responsibility of the passenger to ensure that he/she is adequately insured.


11.1 Malaikah DOES NOT provide specific seating or guarantee sitting together in a case of more than one passenger. The right of admission is reserved.

11.2 Malaikah reserve the right to revise seat allocations WITHOUT PRIOR notice and to operate substitute vehicles of a different standard from those advertised should operational requirements or circumstances so dictate.

11.3 Fares are subject to change WITHOUT prior notice from Malaikah.

11.4 Should you have a complaint concerning Malaikah, you should inform Malaikah as soon as possible within 7 days of the incident. Malaikah will not consider any complaints after 7 days. Any complaints should be emailed to customercare@malaikah.co.zm.

11.5 Malaikah broadcast family-friendly video and audio material on all coaches where possible and do not promise the availability of onboard material or entertainment on any coach.

11.6 Malaikah reserve the right to inspect the ticket, travel documents, luggage, goods, packages, and parcels of any passenger. Malaikah reserves the right to refuse to transport or continue to transport, any passenger/s or their luggage or goods for a bona fide reason.

11.7 The terms and conditions as detailed in the conditions of carriage shall be severable of each other. Should any of these terms and conditions be found to be invalid, the said term or condition shall not affect the validity of the remaining or any other terms and conditions of carriage.


12.1 If property has been unclaimed by customer/passenger and has not been collected for a period within 90 days from the date of the Bus trip, the Company may cause the property to be sold by either public auction or private treaty, as the Company in its sole discretion may determine.

12.2 The Company may acquire all or any of the property (without prejudice to the rights of the Company to purchase such property at any such sale by public auction) at a price equal to the fair value thereof.

12.3 The Company is entitled to convey valid title in the property to any purchaser thereof (including Company). The Company may, in its absolute discretion, apply the net proceeds of such sale or the purchase price payable by the Company after deducting therefrom all costs and expenses incurred in or about the realization of the property and the exercise by the Company of its rights in reduction or discharge, to the Customer’s indebtedness to the Company. Without prejudice to such other rights as the Company may have at law, the residue (if any) remaining after the net proceeds of such sale or purchase price payable have been applied as aforesaid shall be paid to the Customer or the person legally entitled thereto.

12.4 If the Company becomes entitled for any reason to exercise its rights set out in clause 3, the Customer hereby irrevocably and in rem Suam nominates, constitutes and appoints the Company as the Customer’s attorney and agent in the Customer’s name, place and stead to sign and execute all such documents and to do all such things as it in its sole and absolute discretion may consider necessary, requisite or desirable to give effect to this pledge.

12.5 The Company must give the Customer notice of its intention to sell the property to defray its costs, at the customer’s chosen domicilium citandi.